The animated program is still running on Fox, having premiered in 1989. "The Simpsons" has been on the air for longer than any other American scripted prime-time television program, though the TV series "Gunsmoke" still surpasses it in terms of number of episodes. The show centers on the Simpson family, including dim father Homer (voiced by Dan Castellaneta), wife Marge (Julie Kavner), mischievous son Bart (Nancy Cartwright), prodigy daughter Lisa (Yeardley Smith), and baby Maggie.
The characters originally introduced during "The Tracey Ullman Show," a Fox variety show which sometimes included animated segments. Late-night host Conan O'Brien once worked as a writer on the show, and celebrities such as Seth Rogen have also penned episodes.
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The animated program is still running on Fox, having premiered in 1989. "The Simpsons" has been on the air for longer than any other American scripted prime-time television program, though the TV series "Gunsmoke" still surpasses it in terms of number of episodes. The show centers on the Simpson family, including dim father Homer (voiced by Dan Castellaneta), wife Marge (Julie Kavner), mischievous son Bart (Nancy Cartwright), prodigy daughter Lisa (Yeardley Smith), and baby Maggie.
The characters originally introduced during "The Tracey Ullman Show," a Fox variety show which sometimes included animated segments. Late-night host Conan O'Brien once worked as a writer on the show, and celebrities such as Seth Rogen have also penned episodes.
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