Now, I'm a ridiculously antisocial person, so staying home and reading #AllTheBooks is my idea of a perfect day. Which means I have TONS of over flowing-ly loose (see also: baggy) t-shirts and equally comfortable shorts or sweats to wear around the place. Okay, maybe not TONS, but I do have five tees that I regularly swap around and wear (much to my mother's annoyance) ("WHY are you wearing this AGAIN, Aditi?")
1. A Pair of Miffy Pajamas that my aunt bought for me from a Delhi Street Shop for JUST 200 bucks.
2. A Tyrion Lannister shirt my friend bought for me that could fit someone quadruple times my size (or even a bus) but I love it because it is SO COMFORTABLE.
Yes, I'm weird.
What's your favourite comfort outfit?
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