Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Gorgeous Goa - A Land of Water and More Water

Every time you go on vacation, I BET you discover a new favourite spot that you can't help but keep going back to.

For me, it was (and usually always is) the pool!

When I was five years old, I was in a little pool back home in Chennai and I saw two other kids my age having a swimming lesson. I was so intrigued (as the story my mother tells me) that I imitated what they were doing, and the next day, she enrolled me in the same classes as well, and the water and I have been inseparable since. 

The Pool at the resort I recently stayed at in Goa (though SUPER COLD) was EXTREMELY FUN! With small goal like nets on two sides, and a slide (it's been removed in the picture below) it was a LOT of fun with my toddler cousins and the rest of my family.
Image result for pool club mahindra emerald palms

While there are more commercial (touristy) things to do in Goa, I would SERIOUSLY recommend just chilling out and having fun with the people you travelled with,

Other Items that on my Favourite Spot List:
1. The Bed (with its SUPER COMFY COMFORTER)
2. The BEAUTIFUL Beach
3. The Shacks with the DELICIOUS cheap food and drinks.

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