This picture you see above , Im on that boat with a bunch of other people . We were taken to the deeper part of the ocean where we went snorkeling .
I cannot begin to tell you how much i enjoyed swimming in the ocean being able to see how beautiful it was !!!
I was literally swimming among these colorful fishes without and sort of noise or disturbance .
it was just me all on my own ( also because no one else in my family can swim ) swimming and Enjoying the beauty and peace around me that i have never experienced before.
I remember getting back on the boat to go back to the shore and just sitting there quietly and thinking to myself as to how amazing that was and gave me a whole new perspective of thinking .
I know it seems like i might be exaggerating , but for someone who lives for moments like these , that is exactly how i felt . I feel that everyone has moments like these where you are caught off guard with such beautiful moments in life where you look at life so differently.
This is getting way to deep :P
This was my favorite memory of my trip to Phuket
I've always wanted to try it but always been too chicken to.xD